Thursday, March 5, 2009

Polar Plunge for a Good Cause

Someone I used to work with is stepping out of her comfort zone big-time for her daughter. She is jumping into a frigid Minnesota lake in the dead of winter this Saturday, March 7th, 2009, as a fundraiser for the Special Olympics. When my children were little I did such a grand venture simply for a t-shirt, and mostly to fulfill an ego gratification for bragging rights for the rest of my life. :-) She's doing it for a much more noble cause. I applaud her for that.

I've waited this long to blog about this because I wanted to find out what the Twitter community in general (and internet community at large) were capable of. Here goal is $1,000; as of this writing, she has $525 to go. I would love to see how many people go out to this web page -- -- and step up to the hole in the ice with her in spirit by contributing toward her cause. I thought it would be really cool if 525 people around the planet chipped in $1.00 and a little note letting her know that her efforts to do what she can for her daughter are appreciated. Of course, if the Spirit moves you to chip in more, I'm sure it will be welcome!

Wouldn't we all like that kind of encouragement when we're stepping out of our comfort zone for our family?

Please forward this blog entry to anyone you know who would benefit from helping out a mom who is helping out her daughter. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. As a reader of Simple Intentions, or a follower of @SmplIntentions on Twitter, I thank you from my heart.

Enjoy the day! Namaste

Love is All You Need

No one and no thing will fill the void you feel within you. You will achieve the goal, acquire the item or the love of another, and will still feel unsettled and unsatisfied. Go within, release what holds the void in place, and allow the Love of the Universe to fill the empty space within. Then go share that Love with others…not to fill any void within them, but to show them what you did and what you found. The best you can do for another is to be a good example.

Enjoy the day! Namaste