Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Guidelines for the Intention Circle

This blog entry is intended to provide guidelines for the Intention Circle that Simple Intentions is facilitating. I hesitate to use the word ‘rules’ here; usually that’s such a rigid set of instructions to play under. This is more of an explanation of how the whole process is intended to operate…a framework, if you will. My hope is to keep this as simple as possible. More than likely this will be tweaked over time.

The purpose of this Intention Circle is to give everyone an opportunity to create and allow a miracle in their life, through communion with the Universe (or whatever name you give the concept of a Higher Power) and the people within it who are applying their spiritual practice for their own benefit and the greater good. There is tremendous power in focusing your intention and attention on an outcome. There is even more power when many people focus their intention on the same outcome. And following the Law of Karma, what you put out into the world always comes back to you…multiplied. So this truly becomes a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Your role as requestor:
As you prepare to tweet your request, please keep in mind the following:
- We live in a universe of thoughts and emotions. Everything that has ever been created has first come from a thought and an emotion. Everything.
- You do not need to fully understand the Laws of the Universe in order to work with them in this context. Everyone in the Intention Circle is acting on your behalf to support you in this purpose. Your knowledge and understanding will improve.
- Know that whatever you intend will come to you. Be open to what is happening and trust all is well.
- To the Universe, time is simply another dimension…like physical distance is to us. Thus, “when” a retweet occurs isn’t as important as the fact “that” it occurs. When you tweet your request, know that it will be retweeted to the group as soon as possible. If that doesn’t take place for an hour or two – or even half a day – do not be concerned. If you do not see it within 24 hours of submitting it, however, please send it again. Technology is not perfect, and there’s always the potential of a message getting missed or falling through the cracks.

Send your request in either of two ways:
- As a reply to @SmplIntentions. This will be displayed not only to me but to anyone else who follows you.
- As a direct message: “d SmplIntentions …” Your identity will be kept in confidence, as I will strip away the twitter login before retweeting the request.

Your role in the Intentions Circle:
If you already have a spiritual practice that you use to commune with the Universe, then you’re all set. All you need to do is keep doing what you have been doing, with the introduction of three actions to your practice:
- Spend a few moments every day contemplating the topic of the week. There are 13 topics that become a focus for a few minutes of your daily spiritual practice. One topic is taken each week, from Sunday to Saturday. When the cycle has been completed, we start again with topic #1. This allows everyone – initial participants and newcomers – an opportunity to complete a cycle in a very short period of time (13 weeks = about 3 months). The topics are:

  • Gratitude
  • Abundance
  • Non-judgment / Discernment
  • Faith
  • Forgiveness
  • Communication
  • Knowledge
  • Love
  • Courage
  • Health
  • Harmony / Understanding
  • Unity
  • Peace

- Spend a few moments every day reading the tweets that come from @SmplIntentions. They will be any of three possible messages:

  • A reminder of this week’s topic.
  • A request for a spiritual practice (if anyone asks for such an intention during the previous day.)
  • A request for a miracle or other intention. (If this volume becomes too large, I will post the requests as a blog entry and tweet that link to you.)

- Spend a few moments every day in your spiritual practice, with the intention of benefiting everyone who asks for an intention. You can pick a specific request that resonates with you, or apply your time for the intentions of everyone on the list. If something resonates with you strongly, may I suggest you ask the Universe why and work on that first before proceeding. Remember, this can be as much a healing process for you as for the other.

As a practice, I will not make recommendations for readings on the topics. There is such a wealth of information available that it seems redundant to do so. Allow yourself to be open to the information that comes to you or, if you choose, seek out materials to read that expand your understanding of the topic of the week.

Having said this, if something happens in my experience that may be useful to the group, I will blog it at and send out the link. I invite you to do the same as a reply to @SmplIntentions.

If you do not yet have a spiritual practice to apply, I suggest your first action is to make that your first intention, and then commit yourself to following along with us through an entire 13-week course. Following others who are following Simple Intentions is a great way to open yourself up to receiving information on a spiritual practice to follow.

Expressions of Gratitude:
If you feel compelled to offer something in appreciation for receiving the benefits of your request, let me offer the following suggestions:
- Share your experience: Send a reply to @SmplIntentions with any comments you would like to share with people who are set up to watch these replies (see “A Further Suggestion” below).
- Pay it back: Continue following @SmplIntentions with the desire to improve your spiritual practice by benefiting yourself, others and All That Is.
- Pay if forward: Invite others to join @SmplIntentions, sharing with them any benefits or gains you have received from your participation in any role.
- Donate: In the future, there will be a page that you may use to send a donation. Simple Intentions is not a non-profit enterprise, so your donation is not tax deductible. The donation page will not be available for the foreseeable future; the focus right now is benefiting the people who participate with their time and spiritual talents.

A Further Suggestion:
As an option, consider using a tool that will allow you to follow replies to @SmplIntentions. is an excellent tool for this purpose. Then you can read messages that are sent to @SmplIntentions. (Note: At the time of this writing, is experiencing problems with their server. I will make other suggestions for keyword following as I receive them.)

My role:
My role as facilitator for the group is to make certain the requestor’s message is retweeted to the rest of the group. I will perform this task graciously at least once per day. While I will do my best to stay on top of this responsibility, please note that right now I do have a day job, so this will not always come first in my to-do list.

I will reserve the right to change the text of a request in order to align it with what I understand to be the principles the Universe operate under, for the stated intention of creating a miracle and benefiting All That Is. If a request comes in the form of a negative, I will change it to a positive: Something of the form “Please help me get even with so and so” will likely look like “Someone intends to get in harmony with their adversary”, or something like that.

The Universe’s role:
The Universe was putting together the resources needed to fulfill your request before you had made the decision to ask. Remember, time and space are simply dimensions the Universe operates in. It’s at the moment that you make the decision that the Universe goes to work putting everything in place and sending you on your way. Once your request is made, be mindful of opportunities that present themselves on your path, and always be grateful for whatever comes.

As one who is including a request as part of your spiritual practice, be mindful that you are performing a great and wonderful service not only for yourself and for the requestor, but for the entire Universe as well. What you sow, you will also reap. And what you ask for will be granted unto you as well…multiplied.

Thank you, friends, for your time and attention. As always, I hope you find benefit in these words.

Enjoy the day! Namaste


Unknown said...


It's so beautiful that you have initiated this intentions circle.

You are starting a lighthouse my friend so that others can contribute their shining light to the ones who need to receive at this time.

We all have those times of darkness where even a glimpse of light or loving energy can make a profound difference in our journey.

I look forward to being a part of this circle and watching miracles happen.

Tia Parker

Jan said...

Edward, I am happy to learn of the intention circle and participate in it. The power of synergy and collective energy is awesome and beautiful.
Blessings and joy to you!
Jan Masters

Nan Mia Gill said...

Thank you for inviting me to participate in your Circle of Love.
Peace for All and All for Peace,
Nan Mia