Sunday, January 16, 2011

Meditation and the Sedona Method

I continue to be amazed at how meditation and the Sedona Method enrich my life, especially when they are applied together. The first half of an hour-long sit this morning yielded two written note cards on "The History Society" (a sci-fi book I've been trying to write for over a decade), one card on "6D" (the science-fact behind the aforementioned science-fiction book) and a general sense of place and well being.  The last half of the meditation enhanced the "place and well being" part.

I've been practicing meditation on and off most of my adult life.  I've dropped away from the practice when the act of "sitting" became more of a chore than an experience -- when the benefits of the meditation were not readily apparent, or when something more pressing on the "outside" took over as more important than was going on "inside".  Including Ho'oponopono and the Sedona Method have brought meditation to an entirely different level for me.  Meditation allows the mental and emotional "problems" to come to the surface in a safe and nonjudgmental manner; Ho'oponopono and the Sedona Method provide the tools for effectively resolving these "problems".  My day is noticeably much different with them than without.

As always, I hope that you find these posts beneficial for you.  Namaste...enjoy the day!

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