Monday, October 8, 2007

Marathon Woman (Part 2)

My wife made a personal record (PR) in her marathon yesterday. She had anticipated doing that, but the fact that the course reached a record 86 degrees made the feat something to really be proud of. Along the way she met a lady who she ran and walked with for most of the race. The notable part of this encounter was the fact that Pam was busy praying at the time for God to send her someone to help her get to the finish line. Mary Pat came along at precisely that moment, and stayed with here until about 2 miles from the finish, when she told Pam to go on ahead and get her PR. Mary Pat finished 11 minutes later.

What I'm grateful for about this encounter is two-fold. First, that they both met each other at precisely the moment Pam needed her to cross her path. At mile six she was already struggling with staying in the race, and her running group had already broken ranks, so Pam was pretty much on her own physically as well as emotionally and mentally; Mary Pat seemed to fill this void for her, and together they endured.

The second point of gratitude is the epiphany that came to me this evening while discussing this with my wife. She had related much of the story to me in segments over the last 24 hours, and the last comment was one she was sharing with our daughter about the her belief that God answers prayer. She said she knew that to be true because Mary Pat came by just as she was praying to God for help. I blurted out "What makes you think that you weren't the answer to her prayers as well? After all, that's what the Law of Attraction is all attracts like. You both perhaps needed each other."

Where did this come from, I wondered later to myself. I knew in my mind this is true, of course, and have had a struggle lately trying to figure out what I've been attracting into my life. But I spoke this statement with such conviction that I realized that, deep down inside, I knew this to be true despite my current failures at making it work. Or is it perhaps a possibility that I'm attracting what I'm feeling subconsciously and haven't yet recognized it? At this point, I suspect the latter. So, can I let go of wanting to figure it out? :-)

Enjoy the day! Namaste

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